The beauty in you, its hard to tell, you make the world topple upside down like nobody else. You don't know oh oh,you ain't know you're beautiful. In front of you, i'm just a little thing, I don't have car, money nor the popularity~ I ain't an famous or wild like people did. You don't know oh oh,you ain't know you're beautiful, You don't know oh oh, That's what i'm in love with you.
So turn it up, you ain't not shut, to show i'm sincere write it in these words oh oh~ I don't care how, you're being snub. And try to ignore my feeling Hearts. Everyone else in the room has known it. Everyone else but you~
Stay tune in My world my vision. Wish you have a prosperity new year to my friends out there^^
Saturday, December 31, 2011
The Beautiful in YOU (Last 2011 post)
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 4:33 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 26, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
I just see this on website:
ass 267 up, 49 down
(_!_) = normal ass
(__!__) = fat ass
(!) = skinny jeans
(_?_) = dumb ass
(_E=MC2_) = smart ass
(_$_) = rich ass
( ⊤ ) = nice ass
_!_ = square robot ass
(_o_) = asshole
(_*_) = shitstain
((_!_)) = Cellulite Ass
(_o.o_) = double asshole
(_o.o.o_) = triple asshole
(_Y_) = thong
(_@@@@_) = goatse ass
(___!___) = facesitting ass
() = anorexic ass
{_!_} = swishy ass
(_€_) = eric's ass, oops
(_X_) = leave my ass alone
(_x_) = kiss my ass
(_zzz_) = tired ass
(_o^^o_) = wise ass
( ℠ ) = sm 's'
(_o_) = an ass that's been around
(_O_) = an ass that's been around even more
(_13_) = unlucky ass
(_#_) = ass pounding
(_!__) = lopsided ass
(_^^_) = bubble ass
(_*_) = sore ass
(_+_) = total ass
(@@@@@@@@@@@) GOATSE
I realize,there got 267 likes ass is to be up and 49 likes ass is to be down
Oh ya,
I just want to say
(_™_) TM ass,the line so sux here......KNS
(_№_)No more ass for now.
Weehaa~~~~~~~~~goodnights with an 's'
(edited by anonymous)
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 10:33 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 15, 2011
尤其是你好吗那一段~赞啊!! Am I a gay??Whatever~~~Weehaa
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 10:26 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 9, 2011
IMPOTENT is not IMPORTANT, as RA is spelled as RE too. So shine even if you are not RA(sun god)as now is E era~
May God bless you=)
Stay tune in My world my vision, where your sound can be heard~
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 9:07 AM 0 comments
牆上靜止的鐘是為誰停留 是不是和我一樣賴著不走 你說故事已經結束 很久 我忘了 向前走 我努力假裝現在過得很好 現在的你看來已不需要我 也許在不同的時空 還牽著 你的手 想知道你真的過得好嗎 沒有我也許是種解脫 將思念穿梭在宇宙數千光年 悄悄到 你身邊 現在我試著習慣一個人過 也許你已經開始新的生活 陪著我的叫做寂寞 陪你的 是誰呢? 想知道你真的過得好嗎 沒有我也許是種解脫 將思念穿梭在宇宙數千光年 悄悄到 你身邊 現在我試著習慣一個人過 也許你已經開始新的生活 陪著我的叫做寂寞 陪你的 是誰呢? 也許在不同的時空 還牽著 你的手 太好聽 簡單的旋律帶出了淡淡的憂傷.. 你好嗎 分手後還未能忘記對方的話語.. 這種心情 曾經經歷過的人 才會懂得.. 那些年,我們一起體會過的事情。。。。。(sited from youtube-Daamusic)
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 9:04 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 10:08 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
溝通·愛·尊重 城市文明聽障人士篇
在这个世界,充满了许多;人类、植物、动物等等。这些种种的万物,数也数不清,算也算不着,但这些东西如何跟人类产生共鸣呢?除了视觉,触觉,味觉,嗅觉,再来就是听觉了。 这五项都是不可缺一的。在我们生命中,会出现这样一群人,他们听不见又或是看不见的人士。这些人每时每刻,每分每秒,都听不见世界美妙的声音,又或是看不见这世界有多么美丽的景象~我常常在想这些人如何面对这世界,又如何面对着这与世隔绝的障碍。记得有一次因为学校假期,我就在一家百货公司打临时工。有一天,我皮痒,应该是说偷懒吧,我便放下工作岗位,跑去了个当收银员的朋友聊天。这时,走来了一位外国人想付钱,我便暂时帮忙朋友"打包"顾客的东西,也好假装假装一下。付完钱了之后,她当时就说了一些话,唔唔唔的,有听没有懂。当那人走离收银台,我便问朋友她说了什么,朋友回答也不知道,就嗯嗯啊啊的,说像猴子,结果我们两人都在那里大笑。当我回到我的工作,又再一次地看见了刚才的她,这时我注意到了,她耳边有个白色的耳机,以为是电话无线耳机。但看了看又好像不对,结果仔细一看原来是听障补足器,这时我想那人应该有听觉障碍吧,所以刚才那人大概是要说谢谢吧,脸上还带着笑容,想了想也十分惭愧当时还这样笑人家。。。
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 9:57 AM 2 comments
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Bear Fruit??
Yesterday was year 2011 November 11. All together there got six one in the lunar calender. At this day, most single find this a meaningful day to celebrate or should i say "party" on their own. Haha...well i'm a single too so far. Today i read an interesting post out of newspaper. Exactly what i want to share with singles out there. Mwahaha....
Ever wonder great people in the past did fabulous things yet uphold a golden physique~Let's see
Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) was an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, and theologian, has been "considered by many to be the greatest and most influential scientist who ever lived."
His monograph Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, published in 1687, lays the foundations for most of classical mechanics. In this work, Newton described universal gravitation and the three laws of motion, which dominated the scientific view of the physical universe for the next three centuries. Newton was also highly religious and an unorthodox Christian. Yet, his life wasn't have even a single date with feminine in his record. He walk the glorious stream in his whole life lonely.
Voltaire or better known as François-Marie Arouet (1694–1778),a French Enlightenment writer, historian and philosopher famous for his wit and for his advocacy of civil liberties, including freedom of religion, free trade and separation of church and state.He wrote more than 20,000 letters and more than 2,000 books and pamphlets. He also have 99 masterpiece. He live about 20years with Émilie who has a husband till his death,no heir.
Elizabeth I (1533–1603),a single woman representative, was queen regnant of England and Ireland, young and pretty. 25 years old already was a queen.However Elizabeth was cautious in foreign affairs, moving between the major powers of France and Spain, which led to her giving up on marriage. As an exchange,her 44 years on the throne provided welcome stability for the kingdom and helped forge a sense of national identity.
Plato(424/423 BC–348/347 BC)was a Classical Greek philosopher, mathematician, student of Socrates, writer of philosophical dialogues, and founder of the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world. His emphasis on truth of love made him the father of spiritual love. He thought that loveship between male and female is the highest form of emotional patterns. He was the earliest communism upholder. At his age of 81,during a wedding feast, in the laughter of jokes, he died.
So, single is not as bad as we think. Famous yet single~*sounds good* WEEHAA~
(All resources from wikipedia and See Hua Daily News)
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 10:09 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 16, 2011
这是为了纪念与世长辞的伟大人物,在现代可说是时代“科技之父”,就是苹果创办人乔布斯(Steve Jobs),他一身贡献于人类的。。。他的构思是许多人所不能及的,将苹果股值提升到三千多亿美元,也是时下最有价值的股市~在此献上我最真诚的祝福,希望上帝永远与你同在。阿门~
在此谢谢这人carpenterSsS 所提供的短片~=)
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 1:47 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 14, 2011
Espresso Gratitude~
Xièxie, Thank you, Arigatō, Kamsahamnida, Khàwp khun~ Never know that my blog had exceed 10k++ ppl read now...Thank you all for your support. And i will keep on my best to produce a lot better blog article for blog reader. My special thanks to those who give comments and write in my chat box that give me the energy to keep up my work and blog running. These are the expression of my gratitude through this post. And i hope you guys keep support this blog~ Thank you once again~ Hope you guys have a nice day=)
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 10:05 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 6:35 AM 2 comments
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Help Saving Cigarettes!!!@@
Many people are smoking right now due to fashion. Or maybe not because of fashion, instead due to stress, or other purposes. It's ok when a person smoke due to stress......Hell ya,NO!!! What,why and how do you think of smoking? When it come across your mind? Perhaps you look like a grown up adult when you smoke. Wow~you are just getting grown up when you smoke, can just see you getting older with wrinkles on your face. Self-conscious peculiar to smoker, if no, lets check what we have here...
Em....start with this
First, DO YOU KNOW Each Cigarette Shortens Lifespan by 11 Min (No-smoking) O, eleven minutes doesn't seems like much ya~ If you live up to 70 years old, probably up to 3 millions you can smoke in order to shorten 70 years of live.Its a lot of cigarettes right you need to smoke in order to end your life? WRONG!! Smoker probably will get various illness based on the WHO's researches. Cancer,lung defects,bronchitis and more than you can imagine. Example,
Second, hazard of cigarettes are implicitly the most significant thing to think of. You just got yourself big bang...YES~ what is the precious prize? Let the cigarettes tell you...
Third, this probably not many people realize. Government is the reason that lead to rise up of smoker. Why say so? Come let's look at this picture captured by a little fella~Would you still smoke if Government do so?
Fourth, smoker didn't know the fire fighter and police sometimes get big headed also...wowowowo,i ain't no set any fire, i'm just smoking...what have i done wrong? Well...see the sign
Fifth, WARNING...base is under attack... What place is struck by anonymous people? Jeezzz...It's gonna be a long repairment time!!
If really can't, please at least don't even addicted too much~
Dedicated to all friends around~ You have the intuition...
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 8:56 AM 4 comments
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Apple of My Eyes
Today my feeling really frustrated, i don't know if i still can bear with it, i feel like collapse in a dark deep endless hole.Can't you see the way far more beyond there is a bell boy waking you up with all his heart. Please tell me why? If there is even why,i wonder why i can't find any idealistic path within. I'm not a dreamer, i can't always dream of you. I'm not an artist, i can't be so romantic to pick down the sparkling stars in the sky. I'm not a farmer, i can't water the harvest yet knowing they already ripen. I'm not a communist, i can't trap your heart inside a cage without freedom. Even I'm studying as an engineer, i can't even build a strong bridge between us as the distance was unreachable.
Knowing western apple is big,sweet and rich in nutritious. Yet knowing eastern apple is small, a bit sour and inadequate nutrient. Incomparable, western apple is far more better quality than eastern. Yet knowing it, still try to mix along, still in the end they cannot mix well, still they were thrown away separately. As one's say apple is apple, pineapple is pineapple; pineapple cannot be apple, whereas apple cannot be pineapple vice versa. Give up or maybe release is the solution they say, or the only way perhaps. However, Even what you have chosen, I sincerely wish you with all my grateful heart. Because...of one are still the Apple of My Eyes =)
By knowing it i'm glad without any regret~
(This post is only illustration as i had watched the drama called “FierceWife”)WEEHAA
Stay tune in My World My Vision, where your sound can be heard by Eric....
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 7:16 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 24, 2011
1- 古人说“人在江湖身不由己”;我说“人在考场脑非自己”
2- 书呆子:“读书破万卷下笔如有神”,我:“神啊~救救我吧!”
3- 父母说:“少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲”,我说:“小时了了,大未必佳”
4- 书到用时方恨少,事非经过不知难;每每回想读书时,悔过书用垫床角~
5- 四书五经我都会,毛笔书法样样通;就是不会英文和用电脑~
6- 三人行,必有我师;这师可厉害了-魔兽世界,完美世界,惊天动地都难不到他。。。
7- 灾难叫人心慌慌,战争叫人泪汪汪,读书叫人睡光光~
8- 我会读书,读的是漫画、小说和时尚杂志~
9- 赌博、喝酒、抽烟、乱花钱是人生一大乐趣,读书是人生一大惨局。
10- 书。。。这看似懂,听似懂,但就是不懂。
11- 文学家看了书发现新文法,发明家看了书发现新模型,科学家看了书发现新理论,我看了书发现浪费时间。
JJ 会唱《会读书》,王小虎会唱《没那么简单》,我只会唱~~~~~
# 我的字典里没有读书
# 因为已丢了书
# 我从不看无聊的书籍
# 书籍里只有气
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 10:18 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Miss Out
Flashback to 20 past years that i have live in this remarkable world, I feel like i had missed out a lot of things in my life. Without even consider it is important or even noticeable, i pass my 20 years in reckless and meaningless. Times just fly pass me without me realizing. All are too late aren't they?? If time can travel back,i hope to hold and grab what is precious for me and whatever it takes me to do so~ But how i hope it can be is just a dream,is far more untouchable dream in cloud; when the wind come blow away all......Maybe my name got a wind,so i just like a wind keep blowing an blowing non-stop. I can't stop down and see what is better around me. Sometimes condition doesn't allow,sometimes time doesn't seems too be right,sometimes action might fail misplaced. All doesn't matter aren't they? Because i had missed them. I care so much until i big headed and let it go just like a stream flowing down to the sea, far more gone. Doesn't i'm just a foolish person? Or do i even think about it before? I play in a stage where no man play, alone, miss direction~ Do i ever feel so before? Not until now i think......not until now......Friends could u tell me what i'm suppose to do? Should i give up or just give it a try? After so many days of repeated thinking and days of insomnia,i had been thinking, i'm gonna give it a try, even though i might fail,even know it is destiny, but i have no regret in my life~Don't u think so my friends? If you given one last hope,would you not give it a try?? Tell me my beloved friends~Shalom, may luck and good fortune be with you and me too,my friends~ Rain please come fall upon~
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 8:04 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Blue Night(蓝色黑夜)
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 9:26 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Actually I.....
But I got......
SO even I'M
Will you...... and bring me back??
I really want.....I hope that one day i can.....
Anyway~you can if you got any question.Haha~
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 7:09 AM 2 comments
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Hot summer~let's party~hands up high~
It's summer time,it's time to whack that nuts and lift your lazy ass~woohaa
It's time for partyyyyyyyy......
It's time to celebrate a whole new summer......
Yoyoyo,follow the rhythm and move your body~
Here weeeee goooooooooooooooooooooo......
Olla,amigo and fella~
Put your hands up high and shouttttttttttt
Sing from sunrise till the sunset
There will be never tommorrow~
Have fun and joy--------
Feel the sun burn in skin
Feel the warming sunshine
Kiknesss is what you feel in this hot summer~
Have a nice summer =)
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 8:39 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Joy & Cheers
Joy is that many people are searching for.
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 10:39 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Father's Day~
Today is Biggest day for the father from all over the world. It is Father's day~. Father may not probably sensitive like mum or may not very caring about our life such as how we study well and how we behave son & daughter. Father may not seems to be the one to born us,maybe some could i don't know. But, somehow father do is the best as a man to support the whole family. In sincere, when i was a kid back then, i totally didn't notice my father or even sense him. When i got problems or when i sad, the first i would do is to find mum, because i think she is handling all the family stuff. She always care for me, not like my father he just say" Son, you should be solving it yourself", then i would say"What the Hell" in my heart. I didn't manage to say out loud because i really fear of his bazooka compare to mum which is gattling machine gun, a more loud sound that can earthquake the surrounding; it is absolutely much more dangerous,trust me i got experience. However, i do feel father is doing the right thing. When you want money, you just ask from your father...but things just seems to be right huh~ After i had grown up, i found out that father do really care for me and my brother in a "different" way,erm "special" way probably...ok i admit...much strict way, i get it. But he certainly do love me and my brother.He love us more than he ever been loving someone,other than mum. He do whatever it takes for us to grow up well.
He call and scold whenever we go back home late scare we missing, he scold whenever we got wrong, he pick and beat us to half dead whenever we fail to do what he expected. Sounds like violent, but it is caring in other way,haha... Actually i just want to do something with you dad,haha...
So, Treat your father well because he is the only father on earth beside our Father in heaven. He is the one that would love you that no other man else where can do the same. Dad, i want to say sorry for that i was so stubborn before, i didn't listen to your lecture and teaching whereas i know it's for my own good.
Sometimes, i do some mistakes that trigger your anger but dad have forgiven me even after all the punishments. DAD, I LOVE YOU. Lastly, Happy Father's Day to all father.
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 8:46 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Death (Truth or Lies)
Death is the most impact word that threaten the human in over thousands year since the existence of life creation. Most human kind try their best to prolong and delay their death to live longer. In order to do so, they find lots of money; they find the best doctor, the best medicine and the best health care. However, some people just didn't aware of their deathlike. They just keep on pursuing what they want without caring whatever they did or just have no sense of humanity. The human tendency to be a caring person had completely lost and no matter could be found. If you are told to have only few days to live, what will you gonna do? The times flies as you are in the need for speed. When the end of doom day are getting nearer and nearer, the world that you live and see will soon perish in front of your sight. When the death bell have rang, how you wish this could never end to be with your beloved, child and parents. I recently see a great movie,which is quite an old movie, it's title is " A perfect day" directed by Peter Levin based on a novel by Richard Paul Evans. It is such a nice and interesting story that might have touched your heart.
Summary as below:
Robert Harlan has three loves in his life: his wife, Allyson, his daughter, Carson, and his writing. As a sales rep for a small radio station, he has hopes of one day leaving it all behind for a successful writing career. When he is unexpectedly laid off from his job, Allyson encourages him to pursue his dream of writing. He writes a novel entitled “A Perfect Day”, based on the last few months Allyson and her father spent together as he died of cancer. The story becomes a huge success and Robert finds himself swept into a new world far from his wife and home. In time Robert loses track of the things he loves most until he meets a stranger who begins telling him intimate details about his past, his present and, most important, the brevity of his future. Thinking that he has just weeks to live, Robert begins to discover the truth about himself; who he has become, what he has lost and what it will take to find love again.(cited from "A Perfect Day")
Let's play a little game~
1.Go to this website(Death Clock)
2.Type in your date of birth and other details.
3.See what is your death of time.
List down all your wishes that you can do before the death of time.
What will you find from the list??
Are you a materialistic founder?
Are you a fame admirer?
Are you a world leader?
Or are you just a typical family lover?
Think of it whether it is worth or not~ Let's just pray for the best~
Sharing a video:
"I am sorry for i never know what i have done,
I am sorry for what i have done to be so selfish,
I am sorry for why i be so selfish not to care,
I am sorry for when i not to care instead of hurt,
I am sorry for where i hurt you in the way of love,
I am sorry......
I am sorry......
I am sorry that i love you"
For parents, friends and beloved~
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 1:17 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Heat up
It does seems everything are clear enough,as we want to obtain some absolute thing whenever we want to,tricks are just coming out in flow, feel so creepy and so horrify right now, don't even know what one's intention of doing so,have tried to avoid everything and sometimes just chat with the fair one as a friend for just once or maybe twice, however it still not satisfy vinegar taste of mind, can smell through sour, keep mentioning the fair's name in front is definitely no working in any sense. Try to work for your own, if don't dare enough to confess, don't think have the chance to own the fair, there is no point squeezing fair one in between, just making the fair one suffer. Nothing rules between, just if really care then go for it,nothing will be wrong, first strike may fail,come with second, you will get home run. NO BITING AROUND THE BUSH. I will from now on be myself, btw it's almost end of the semester, quit doing such nuisance. Or maybe really like but the fair choice is absolute, neither can determine. Be fair & square~ just can't forget the one in heart, doesn't mean don't have heart for another. Be aware~
One song dedicated to chaser
One song dedicated to fair one
One song for those who know nothing but hurting people......
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 11:47 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Lingering is endless longing
Thoughtless mind in the midnight air, stiff in my chest,excruciating fortune, ever did be thinking just once.Narrow path in darkness night, little bright moonlight shimmering seen unclear, ever will be the light of hope...hope with light affection. Final destination in this world, deep in the ember of fire, ever wonder bless gonna' shone upon... upon a blessedness guy. Place thou are undiscovered, as far at the end, ever wonder goodbye be the final word...word that never be spoken. Droplet of tears are dripping nonstop, as well cheating myself, ever wonder this is the feeling...feeling of missing.
Back to normal, seems like everything very clear by now. Even sweetest memory we behold, craziness and enthusiastic we once together before~ Why are we still running in regret.
Are you fine? Where are you? Hear from you,if missing got sound, i hope its your voice~
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 9:37 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
月近心金(part 2)
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 7:51 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 9, 2011
With this song end this section;
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 7:11 AM 0 comments
Royal wedding(Prince William & Kate Middleton)
I know it was almost weeks since Prince William and Kate Middleton wedding in Westminster Abbey,one of a living church, a royal peculiar, home to the unique pageant of british history. Hundred thousands of people crowded the streets to see this grand royal wedding. There was no chance to miss this long-awaited, splendid, superb and spectacular and sensational wedding. Every network media come from whole world were broadcasting in live. Let's see some marvelous photo scene~
1st。。。Most rating 2nd。。。Most photogenic
3rd。。。Most precious moment
4th。。。Most shiny
5th。。。Most charming and beautiful
Not enough。。。even more closer
7th。。。Most spoof
Best valuable~

Dream to be dream... to have such wedding~ I know you girls out there will be thinking so...erm...just keep dreaming...because i too dream for it. WAHAHA, GOTCHA
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 5:56 AM 2 comments
Friday, May 6, 2011
月近心金(part 1)
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 9:08 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Buen Amigo
Here are some quotes from bible:
# Don't hate people. 19:17
# "Love thy neighbor as thyself." 19:18
# Respect your elders. 19:32
# Be kind to strangers. 19:33-34
# Treat others fairly. Don't cheat. 19:35-36
# Do not oppress one another. 25:17
As one is your friend, thou shall not cheat on him/her, be great and glorify to the name of Jesus and God...Say out loud that I'm Christian. As stupid people like me no people would care except those who have no doubt on me。。。。
Sorry for making the situation bad as i'm not good enough as a christian. Thanks...
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 11:03 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 29, 2011
Worst or best (Justin Bieber vs Rebecca black)
Worst or best?? Which one is your mind interpret in the first impression when you look at a thing or stuff or even individual? You think the best is the best? What when best come in the worst way? You still feel it is the worst right? What if when worst come in the best way? Do you think sometimes the worst can be the best? Don't you think it's unfair to someone just you think they are famous in second which causes people feel in any envious way by any mean. For example, Justin Bieber and Rebecca Black.I am certainly not the kind of admirers or fans of both the star mentioned. But sounds like true,even their song doesn't really mean so much to you or maybe you out there but the song definitely got its own unrevealed meaning. Their songs are not so bad in either way because they are young and fully potential. The song is bad or meaningful doesn't matter as long as they enjoy the process of making it. To create a song is hard and to create a good song is harder. Whether you guys agree with me or not, i quite like their songs in the sense that they are simple and project what a teenage dream of~ You guys have a dream right? Their dream are just want to become a star through singing~
Try hear and feel in deeper
Can you feel the rhythm and symphony other than the lyrics~
Today quotes: "Smell the roses through your travel and life" (Daniel Wu)
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 12:57 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Strangers, again
“Can you just decide and I will do it whatever…” This is not always like this. For good reason, this is so gonna end a simple and yet normal relationship. Like one greatest English poet, William Shakespeare just says “All the world's a stage”. Every relationship went through different stages. Start with strangers, the common stage-from strangers to friends; for heterosexual- from friends to lover; for those fated- from couples to married; for destiny and blessed, from married to closing stages. However, thing doesn’t really goes as it should be sometimes whereby we end up back in the first stage – Strangers.
I see a video recently which is quite popular, brought me the idea to write on this video…
In general, some people meet each other by chance, by the right time. With the right action, end up in chasing. All you want is know about each other, prioritize each as the first place. It paid off, after certain deep relations and understanding, they eventually turn up to be couple. Positively, they only look into another person perfect point till…one day. As soon as they took each other for granted, people stop trying to uphold the relationship as they changing over time. As it reach a bottom line, miserable just come in. The love that you really wanted so much once had become into arguing and struggling to satisfy each other. Here is the time when all mess up…
Let’s take a look at a video scene…
This video can buy you some times to think and bring inspiration to you guys out there. This will totally help you out whenever you got "problems" in relationships whether they are friendships and loveships. =_)
Another video i want to share is a some kind of fairy tale story line which happen in university life. Even it may seems like... or unlikely to happen but it's a great scene. Enjoy it~ That's all i want to share with you guys now,till the next burst out...
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 1:15 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Jesus Have Come(Resurrection)
Holy Jesus, You have come in my life with great wonder. You have come to protect us, to purify our sin, to save us from the evil thought,crime action and wicked mind. You have come with glory, with great power within You;the power that can bare all sickness and illness and even death. O lord,You have come and lead us people who are weak, in pain and full of darkness. You have come to be the Messiah and the savior of humankind. You have come as a good shepherd that lead the lost sheep as their wavy soul are unable to find a place to live. You have come, You have come even knowing that You will suffer through the body of human. You are so holy but yet You suffer to save us. Lord,we are not knowing what we are doing. We were not believing, denying, and carrying with our sinful work....You have been crucified at the cross for us as we all not knowing that You are the truth. However, You have come, My Lord, You have come, it's a sign that all of us will be reborn and renewed. The day of resurrection of Jesus Christ had finally come. Lord, i pray to You that i truly believe in You, as in John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." I know that i can live to eternity as my life for now is just temporary. Lord i pray to You and ready to serve You as a servant to glorify Your name. I will tell every single people that i know, and shout to them that "I am a Christian" proudly and with no regret. For i know without You, i am nothing. O, holy Father please strengthen my will to be able to do so even one day i was being tortured, suffered in pain or facing death that i will always follow You. Amen, Let's praise to the Lord~
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 9:49 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Everyone can talk but not everyone can talk in a proper manner that will not directly insult or hurt people without knowing~Sometimes you just cannot manage yourself to withdraw what have been spoken out...
Just like for example, when you speak to your friends, you want your thing back that he/she borrow:
"Hey, give me back my book,why did you steal it??"
"No,i don't"
"Yes you are,just admit it"
It may sound like you just want to joke around with people,but sometimes people will misinterpret what you are telling~he\she may think it as a threat, an insult. Even you want to avoid from saying such kind of words but you just couldn't as you have used to that kind of style of speaking.
I do can talk also,erm,sound so im a mute,actually it is...Some born in the way they are good talker, well spoken language, have a high humor sense in their speech or words. However, some are just not born in that way, i maybe can classify into that type of group.
I like talk in some way and at certain times:During no class,friends just seat around with no other works to do,During out going,During holiday
I tend to keep in silence when i am stress, when i am tired, when got class time, when i got many works and tests, when i don't feel like want to talk, when i talk to a girl that someone really really love of, when i talk to a friend who really need a listener, when i really want to be alone.
I will certainly give you a smile and will respond to what you say, but i certainly wont talk much. So, don't feel like you are being insulted, feel like im so cool, so
proud. They won't be such a thing, im still the one what i am from last time, just that i become what you may have say dumb~it's ok you can say me like dumb.
However, don't make fun of me as I have already swallowed the bitter pill in silence.
Everybody have their own principle,this is my principle, so if anyone want me to change,this is against my principle of being live,haha, joke~i will try to change but sometimes it's just too hard,my best friends will be knowing my type of speak...maybe it not suit to most of you but it certainly not all of you.
I like a quote"话多不如话少,话少不如话好" It means"Little words better than many words,good words better than little words"
Eric Lim Ing Hung~
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 4:24 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 4, 2011
Sunday, April 3, 2011
人们不断追求崭新的,不断 不断地。。。从没中止过。发明无数的机械,电器,工具等等帮助人们拥有舒适的环境。 有了先进的科技,人们就开始不满足现阶段的开发~为了追求更多的物质上的需求;仅仅不顾地球,破坏大自然,毁了动和草植物的家园。这一切一切都为了满足人们的欲望。建了高楼还不够,要建摩天大厦;开发一片森林还不足,要伐下千万棵树;发明了许多电器赚取利润还嫌少,要利用核武拿下世界。想想,再想想,你觉得你所拥有的还不够吗?只为了在人世间这短暂的数十年,而毁了下一代,甚至是下下代的子子孙孙的生活~
近年来,天灾无时无刻地发生在我们的周围,地震、台风、海啸、洪水、干旱;这是一种自然现象还是一个警告,一个来自上帝的警告,警告我们是时候停止了,是时候放下我们的欲望。你一直想要更大, 更多,更富足。当你拥有了全世界,你还能拥有什么呢?还有许多陷入饥荒、战争的人。。。是他们的悲惨的命运,还是人们的无知呢?试想想吧。。。想想。。。想想。。。
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 3:23 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 26, 2011
What you have is ENOUGH~stop hurting world
People, human being, symbolize of intelligence keep on searching and inventing new gadgets, electrical appliances, machines and even weapons etc to provide them a enjoyable, wonderful and relaxation life~ Have you ever wonder what are you pursue??What have you achieved??Where are you stay in??Most importantly WHO ARE YOU?? God create us, on the earth to have control of the land, to have a living on this great piece of land, to build a wonder that link each of us with God like a family. But what have we ever done?? We create lots of lots of invention in order to satisfy ourselves. We build sky scrappers all over the earth, over each can stand on; We build nuclear plant to supply our energy without thinking the consequences; We even create weapons to "protect" ourselves, sound very sarcasm like if the world is in peace, do we need these type of destructible weapons to be ever created and exist...Is this called protection? Like a guy who inspire me, Louie Giglio says" The building we lived in now, our world is fill with hurting people, with life is still spinning out of control in hectic,with pain we never asked for and we can't imagine..." World now is full with fear, with darkness, with war, with starvation, with disaster that happened without warning. All of our great invention, our brand, our money are vanished in just a second. Our obsession towards materials had brought disaster to this world. We thought the disaster now is non of our business as it is a natural occurrence. However, we had forgotten that it is a sign of warning that God brought to us, as a message for us to stop this nonsense and hurting innocent people in the world~ God is looking upon us up in the sky, but we had forgotten His existence and continued our sinful works. So, Please stop what you are doing now,stop hurting the God love us and give us this land, He promise us that one day He will bring us to His kingdom and there we live for eternity life. So what we had now is just like illusion,temporary. Today is earth hour day. Had you closed your light for an hour? This hour provided me a time to think of what the world bring me to and the words of God in me~
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 10:53 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Heart is the best present ~
Heart, a muscular organ associated with circulatory system. Pumping blood throughout the human body, beating at 72 beats per minute.
Cardiac muscle start contract and release in rapid. Rhythmic in blood vessel like fast hand on a keyboard. Beating sound penetrate the flesh and skin.
Heart start a skip beat...Do RE MI SO LA DI FA FA MI RE DO LA DO.Tempo is miserable and lyric start circling in the mind. Beep beep beep... the dot of the life is sketching a beautiful heart shape. Almost stop instant~Swooohhhh...di di di~ Part of my heart is open space waiting a person to sign in and live in. Knock, knock...tok tok tok...Oh there is an angle in my heart~ Nanana nanana... Let's turn around, and head off~ yeah yeah in a way of lalala...
Sharing a nice song
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 11:34 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Touching Story of Sun and Moon~
Sun, pure dazzling red in day;
Moon, pure smoothing white in night;
They fall for emerging light of each another;
Unfortunately, Sun is in the day, Moon is in the night;
Never met each other during day and night;
Start missing with tears in eyes;
Melancholy in the wind and sorrow in the grass;
Rain drops in a way of depression non-stoppable ;
Wavy heart down to despair;
Knowing only existence of one another;
Hoping one day they can meet~
The love of sight.
God got mercy;
Natural got wonder;
In their strong believing;
Under the crater of light;
Sun came upon moon by chance;
However, times wait for no man;
Seconds blink may mean goodbye;
Before moon fade into the night shade;
Sun pull out a diamond ring;
Propose... and Say gently~
"With the ring symbolizes the belief and eternity likeness between us, Not time can scatter, Not changing course can fade, Nothing will have changed except if you doubt me~" Sun still waiting for the next moment they met and the answer of the ever beloved Moon......
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 8:33 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Japan Earthquake Crisis 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011 at 02:46:23 PM at epicenter, a terrible disaster had struck Japan with no mercy. A high level 8.9 magnitude earthquake occur near the east coast of Honshu,Japan. Shaking apart the skyscraper and cracking highway of town. That's not even fierce enough as followed by when the earthquake trigger the tidal waves(tsunami)- more powerful and devastating. The huge ocean wave vanished housing estates, pick up and toss cars like toys, destroy ships, and even kills hundreds of people. Chaotic hit the Japanese citizens ran in swamp for life, flee to a high edge area. Fires scene can be seen in downtown, burning out of control. Power supply from nuclear power plant had been shut down causing blackout. A boat of hundreds people was caught in a whirlpool at sea.News report that hundreds were killed; meanwhile thousands are still missing. The death toll after the destruction rose steadily throughout the day, and believed will keep increasing. What scientists worries about is the debris and radiation from the nuclear plant will affect the citizens. After dawn Saturday, the scale of destruction became clearer. Many Japanese citizens were forced to evacuate, roads were covered in debris and airports were closed too. Even it is not the worst in Japan's history, earthquakes incident caused a panic in the city and citizens are still in the trauma after what had happened. Volunteers had flooded to Japan to lend their helping hand towards wounded refugees, supply food and medical treatment. Cracked Highway
Buildings collapsed
Tsunami was being triggered
Car were being swallowed
Ships were no match with tidal wave
What a chaotic scene~
Minamisanriku town is submerged
Fire out of control
Explosion of nuclear reactor
Saving survivors
Rescuing a child from a collapsed building
Sorrowful citizens after the earthquake
Let's pray for the Japan citizens~
Oh,merciful Lord, please lend Your hand to the Japanese citizens. Please heal their soul and give them will to overcome the incident. If this is the test of the temptation to the people, Lord please have mercy for them and give them strength. For they needs You,My Lord. Hope You will always be with them till the very end. Thank you Lord and we praise You in the name of my Holy Jesus Christ and Father. Amen~
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 11:56 PM 0 comments