Saturday, September 3, 2011

Help Saving Cigarettes!!!@@

Many people are smoking right now due to fashion. Or maybe not because of fashion, instead due to stress, or other purposes. It's ok when a person smoke due to stress......Hell ya,NO!!! What,why and how do you think of smoking? When it come across your mind? Perhaps you look like a grown up adult when you smoke. Wow~you are just getting grown up when you smoke, can just see you getting older with wrinkles on your face. Self-conscious peculiar to smoker, if no, lets check what we have here...
Em....start with this
First, DO YOU KNOW Each Cigarette Shortens Lifespan by 11 Min (No-smoking) O, eleven minutes doesn't seems like much ya~ If you live up to 70 years old, probably up to 3 millions you can smoke in order to shorten 70 years of live.Its a lot of cigarettes right you need to smoke in order to end your life? WRONG!! Smoker probably will get various illness based on the WHO's researches. Cancer,lung defects,bronchitis and more than you can imagine. Example,
Second, hazard of cigarettes are implicitly the most significant thing to think of. You just got yourself big bang...YES~ what is the precious prize? Let the cigarettes tell you...
Third, this probably not many people realize. Government is the reason that lead to rise up of smoker. Why say so? Come let's look at this picture captured by a little fella~Would you still smoke if Government do so?
Fourth, smoker didn't know the fire fighter and police sometimes get big headed also...wowowowo,i ain't no set any fire, i'm just smoking...what have i done wrong? Well...see the sign
Fifth, WARNING...base is under attack... What place is struck by anonymous people? Jeezzz...It's gonna be a long repairment time!!
If really can't, please at least don't even addicted too much~
Dedicated to all friends around~ You have the intuition...


siew foong said...

YALOR YALOR =( u shud say tis to wai kin T_______T

Eric Lim Ing Hung said...

Lol,you should talk to him le~haha,he should be more listen to you de XD,Jiayou~

Jamie Wong said...

good on you! never touch cigarettes!

Eric Lim Ing Hung said...

Haha,thanks,i won't, nt for my future bt for my another half in