Twinkle winkle, you about to enter a magical world where magical creatures gather,stay close: "You are a reprobate, you doltish homo." "LET'S THE MAGICAL BEGINS".....
Once upon a time, well i may say long time ago, when the earth begin to shape its form to what we have been living, it is just multiple tons of stars in wide open space, shining in the darkness of all,where no livings on it,
Oh, i forgot to say almost no livings except for one tiny brightest little star exist as to exceed others. Among all the other stars, there are livings in the so-called "Sirius Star" where all mighty have wonder about the creation of GOD. Wondrous yet beautiful...
This little tiny shinny pebble, it is so flourish; grow and develop in healthy and vigorous way. Inside where everything is full of life, there is so far a kingdom says to be where Therns (Holy Messenger of God) live. A silent and peaceful place, it is known as "Terra", an utmost astonishing place where skies and lands connected, mystical bluish sky above, ancient rocky mountains surrounded with majestic water falls and mighty walls of philosopher stones, unparalleled place that can be foreseen its beauty. Such an angelic boundaries yet to known~
The city in the kingdom is by far the most advanced and great fantasy view of all, firm pillars with ornaments, finest cobblestone wall with marvelous crafting, tranquil splashing river flow under the city, greenery can be seen anywhere. When day light shone upon, into this amazing masterpiece, it's feel like everything is so full of energy and passion, lifeful indeed. It is a dream world and a great home for Terranias living harmony and peacefully with no outside disturbance.
Every kingdom need rulers that guides his peoples and so does this peaceful kingdom. In the centre of city, there is a dome where live two almighty Angelus Meus (Guardian angel), or better known as Hoper who carried the highest honor and pride to rule and guide over the peoples, the Terranias. One male guardian named Daniel, the other female guardian called Eve. As guardians, they had not showed themselves in public and seen by any, they have absolute power over all the principles and above all, respected and served by Terranias.
Near the kingdom there is a magical forest called "Infinite Forest". To get to the forest, one must pass through the kingdom.
The forest is full of surprises, gigantic trees are so well-grown and mushroom likes plants blossom on trees. Flowers utilizing just about every color of rainbow spotted the forest. To eyes, rainbow-like bed of flowers and a garden in bloom is a riot of color. Animals and magical creatures: unicorns pounding the ground and drinking water near the river; fairies flying through as pollinators and flourishing the flowers with morning dew, they are all wondering themselves in the forest. Astounding scenery and such a limited remarkable pictures~
The forest is full of surprises, gigantic trees are so well-grown and mushroom likes plants blossom on trees. Flowers utilizing just about every color of rainbow spotted the forest. To eyes, rainbow-like bed of flowers and a garden in bloom is a riot of color. Animals and magical creatures: unicorns pounding the ground and drinking water near the river; fairies flying through as pollinators and flourishing the flowers with morning dew, they are all wondering themselves in the forest. Astounding scenery and such a limited remarkable pictures~
In the deepest side of forest, there is enormous giant tree, which Terranias used to named it "Vitraya Ramunong" ( Trees of Souls); binding all lifeforms in the forest and said to have connection with "Alom" (Sky God who create Terra and Terranias). Only guardians and higher ranks Terranias are allowed to enter this area. A great warrior "Keeper of light" named Zonda is asked to guard upon the tree.
There is a small hole and a path that lead to inside the core of tree. Down inside; a fountain is set in the middle of the core bounded with pure watery and kinds of aquas swimming around, where Terranias called "Genesis", the origin of honest water from God.
This fountain is spiritual and is protecting a powerful
mysterious emerald orb submerged in the lowest part of fountain. It is so
powerful that it can destroy a world within a glitch and perish within a
glance. It is said only "The Chosen One" can reveal it and use its
power when times come~
This kingdom has lived peacefully, yet this peace is not lasted longer enough, whereby devil force had
planned their ways to break into pieces. A devil darklord from Abyss, "Angelus Lapsus" (Fallen angel) named Lucifer, marked himself as conqueror and wishes all Terranias bowed before him. He formed himself a large demon army , all monstrous and cruelty marching to attack the kingdom. By force, he intend to steal the powerful orb and use its power to rip the kingdom apart.
The guardians and Terranias know that he is coming and rise up to prepare themselves for defending the kingdom. Terranias' warriors formed themselves into a holy army , "Royal Knight" and full equipped with weapons and shields to fight against the evil forces.
The day has come into war, night where moonlight shimmering vaguely, even the stars had hide themselves. Lucifer lead his tremendous devil army down the path to the kingdom. Loud uproar and enormous footsteps shake the ground open. Darkness fall upon the sky and wind stay still, haunted the mansion, everything suddenly become lifeless and sorrow.
Steps by steps the devil army approach the Royal Knight who formed themselves in lines of defense in front of the gate with no fear in eyes to protect their beloved ones and kingdom. Lucifer shout out "Army! charge!", "Guards, defend yourselves and lets give these newbies a lesson they will not forget" Royal Knight cried. And war begins, chaos ruin, fires illuminates the sky and massive destruction everywhere. War sounds scattered all around, crack open the silent night. After hours of fight between, most Royal Knight warriors had fell down and so does the Lucifer's troops, however; their number still outcast the Royal Knight warriors. Eventually, the Royal Knight cannot defend themselves due to outnumber.
At this very moment, one of the male guardian arrived in the middle of war, enchanting white wings fluttered, covered with lights in his golden armor and a saber in his right hand. For the very first time, Terranias able to see the guardians looked like, all shocked and impressed by his glory. They were delighted because they knew the savior had finally come in time.
"Foolish little demonic creatures!" he yelled, "How dare you destroy my beautiful home and hurt my loved people! You naive!" He in speedy waved his saber powerfully with enormous strength and full length towards the devil army, wide array of them fall down instantly. The devil stunted and rolled themselves backwards, "Don't scare my little ones~" Lucifer jumped out from nowhere and stood in front of guardian, "This thing is no match for Me~ I'm IMMORTAL! " he laughed wickedly. "Hold it right there, Lucifer the Fallen!", "In such conceit manner, you arrogant animal","Prepare yourself to hell!" without more words, one powerful strike towards Lucifer. But, Lucifer block it easily and sound. However, the guardian, Daniel still not stopping, he swung his saber with force and attack him one over another non-stop. Yet, Lucifer is not such a weakling like any of his army, he blocked all his attacks with not much effort, simply with his sharp claws.
After long term of attacks, the male guardian has slowed down his attacks as tiredness may seen on his face. "Hahaha, poor little thing!" Lucifer laugh in pitch. "You looked like run out of energy, is this all you got?", "How are you going to protect your poor people", "Now i gonna show you my real power". "Asus Maxis Requiem De Diablo, Espada Gigante......" Lucifer murmur in demonic language. He started transformed and grow bigger and bigger, even much stronger than he was before. "Die, you loser!" he screamed irritatingly and flung his scepter toward the guardian. try to block it but due to the huge impact, he cannot withstand it and throw himself few miles away. The guardian was seriously injured and was no match for Lucifer. Royal Knight was all in panic and quickly retreat.
Meanwhile, another Hoper, a female guardian Eve already reached the tree of soul, "Vitraya Ramunong". She hope to find the emerald orb and use its power against the darklord. But, she was hindered by bunch of demonic creatures in front. Zonda,"Keeper of light" jump out and hurry himself to protect her, he asked her to go ahead on her way. She quickly swift herself into the core of the tree and come to the fountain. However, she cannot find her way to arouse the orb, then she became to pray for Alom The Mighty God, "Please my Lord, help me and guide me the way to the orb in order to save my people and Your little ones too". Suddenly, a light shone brightly upon her chest, its her emerald ring that shone. The light splash out onto the fountain, and fountain was cracked open. The spiritual emerald orbs float out from the pure water slowly. Words viewed out with light projection.
![]() |
Love reasons to die, Day after tomorrow will be frozen |
She pick up the orb carefully with her hands and rushed to the battlefield as fast as she can. When she reached, she saw the male guardian was badly wounded yet he was still fighting with Lucifer. He looked exhausted and weak, armor was not in perfect pieces. Royal Knight and devil army corpse were everywhere. Tears fall upon her face at once. She took out the orbs and spelled out words "Love reasons to die, Day after tomorrow will be frozen". Shortly, all things around frozen. A shooting luster ray out while enlighten the sky, the light shaped into an grand magical reindeer; such beauty and rare species, emerald colored, dazzling mystic tail with spiritual aura covered its body, pink sakura petals shed around, the path where it walks have splashy water wave. A loud grunt, it struck against Lucifer, Lucifer cry out loud, the sky shattered open a hole, out until the universe space.

Everything was so bright like covered eyes with a black cloth, blind folded, what had happened cannot see clearly. After a while, the light started to dim and vanish. Now, it is dawn and first appearance of light in the sky. At the moment, all can be seen clearly; Lucifer was sealed off and disappear in morning mist. Royal Knight all cheered "Hooray, we have won the war!".
Meanwhile, only male guardian was in despair, as female guardian fall down gradually from the sky. Daniel grabbed onto Eve's body and lie her down near his thigh. Both eyes were seen tears and weeping, Royal Knight dull and keep silence wholly. Eve in soft weak voice, "Don't cry, it is fate for me to protect the people because i'm the chosen one, i'm glad i can do so to protect you too." Daniel smiled and replied gently, "Perhaps our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in a while, so we can see the Life in a clearer view again and see how beautiful you are, don't we?".
Eve smile quietly and closed her eyes, fall silence at once, glittery magic light burst out around her body and take her spiritual body soul into the air, perish in the blueish sky.
Daniel spoke faintly, "Hope you will be with Alom in heaven and rest peacefully", flapping his wings and fly up, disappear in sky. Since then, no one had ever seen the guardian again. But for Terranias, they all know that when the times come, their hero and savior will return~
"There are those who say fate is something beyond our command,that destiny is not our own, But i know better, our fate live within us,You only have to be brave enough to see it~" (Brave_movie)
Hope you enjoy this story and please leave some comment~
Stay tune to My world My vision where Eric's Magica will take you to another dream world~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ThE EnD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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