1- 古人说“人在江湖身不由己”;我说“人在考场脑非自己”
2- 书呆子:“读书破万卷下笔如有神”,我:“神啊~救救我吧!”
3- 父母说:“少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲”,我说:“小时了了,大未必佳”
4- 书到用时方恨少,事非经过不知难;每每回想读书时,悔过书用垫床角~
5- 四书五经我都会,毛笔书法样样通;就是不会英文和用电脑~
6- 三人行,必有我师;这师可厉害了-魔兽世界,完美世界,惊天动地都难不到他。。。
7- 灾难叫人心慌慌,战争叫人泪汪汪,读书叫人睡光光~
8- 我会读书,读的是漫画、小说和时尚杂志~
9- 赌博、喝酒、抽烟、乱花钱是人生一大乐趣,读书是人生一大惨局。
10- 书。。。这看似懂,听似懂,但就是不懂。
11- 文学家看了书发现新文法,发明家看了书发现新模型,科学家看了书发现新理论,我看了书发现浪费时间。
JJ 会唱《会读书》,王小虎会唱《没那么简单》,我只会唱~~~~~
# 我的字典里没有读书
# 因为已丢了书
# 我从不看无聊的书籍
# 书籍里只有气
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 10:18 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Miss Out
Flashback to 20 past years that i have live in this remarkable world, I feel like i had missed out a lot of things in my life. Without even consider it is important or even noticeable, i pass my 20 years in reckless and meaningless. Times just fly pass me without me realizing. All are too late aren't they?? If time can travel back,i hope to hold and grab what is precious for me and whatever it takes me to do so~ But how i hope it can be is just a dream,is far more untouchable dream in cloud; when the wind come blow away all......Maybe my name got a wind,so i just like a wind keep blowing an blowing non-stop. I can't stop down and see what is better around me. Sometimes condition doesn't allow,sometimes time doesn't seems too be right,sometimes action might fail misplaced. All doesn't matter aren't they? Because i had missed them. I care so much until i big headed and let it go just like a stream flowing down to the sea, far more gone. Doesn't i'm just a foolish person? Or do i even think about it before? I play in a stage where no man play, alone, miss direction~ Do i ever feel so before? Not until now i think......not until now......Friends could u tell me what i'm suppose to do? Should i give up or just give it a try? After so many days of repeated thinking and days of insomnia,i had been thinking, i'm gonna give it a try, even though i might fail,even know it is destiny, but i have no regret in my life~Don't u think so my friends? If you given one last hope,would you not give it a try?? Tell me my beloved friends~Shalom, may luck and good fortune be with you and me too,my friends~ Rain please come fall upon~
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 8:04 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Blue Night(蓝色黑夜)
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 9:26 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Actually I.....
But I got......
SO even I'M
Will you...... and bring me back??
I really want.....I hope that one day i can.....
Anyway~you can if you got any question.Haha~
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 7:09 AM 2 comments
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Hot summer~let's party~hands up high~
It's summer time,it's time to whack that nuts and lift your lazy ass~woohaa
It's time for partyyyyyyyy......
It's time to celebrate a whole new summer......
Yoyoyo,follow the rhythm and move your body~
Here weeeee goooooooooooooooooooooo......
Olla,amigo and fella~
Put your hands up high and shouttttttttttt
Sing from sunrise till the sunset
There will be never tommorrow~
Have fun and joy--------
Feel the sun burn in skin
Feel the warming sunshine
Kiknesss is what you feel in this hot summer~
Have a nice summer =)
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 8:39 AM 0 comments