Thursday, March 3, 2011

TENSION~Study because of Self

Illustrate the thousand miles road,it just a few hours of time if you got a car or a high-speed vehicle for maybe a second of time. Illustrate the country, it just a few days of air flight trip you can arrive in no time. Illustrate the food, it just take you a few hundred bucks to enjoy a finger looking good meal. Illustrate the house, it just a place to sleep though~haha. All of this need money...and money come from where?? Money bear on tree...ridiculous. Money drop from the sky...insensible. Money given just by letting your hand out to your parents...nonsense,not in future. This come with a great responsibility for us to be burdened with. Nevertheless, i as a student started to worry about it. I don't have a smart brain to become mad scientist even i had ever become crazy people before, I don't have a machinery thoughts to become an engineer even i'm studying engineer right now, I don't have a sharp superior mouth to become lawyer even i intense to win in bicker.I don't even have a working hand to do art stuff even i knew i can or maybe i can't~ In a thinker way, i thought i would as well be keen to make money through any type of way. Be a direct seller, it's just too risky and many people doing it. Be a insurance agent, talking will be a major problem as i got speech defect. Be a puppeteer,sorry i just got no sense of humor. Be a model, ehem...excuse me others got six packs but i only got not pack in the middle==''What the heck i'm thinking!! I just can't be a thing. A guy with nothing like me maybe seems useless though, however i will try my best to fix it. I can't give you the perfect of me but i can give you the best out of me~
Hopefully i can study hard and hope my friends around me can help in my studies...I know you are good in studies,hope you can study well without any other thoughts so you won't neglect your studies~

To be continued....arousing curiosity...suspense舒适便