Today,8th August~a beautiful number day of a year.Eight is a fortune significant number in Chinese culture.In fact,the number eight(8) also symbolised many other things,here is some what i have found out from web:
-Number of the perfection, the infinity. In mathematics the symbol of the infinity is represented by a 8 laid down.
-Symbol of the cosmic Christ.
-Number figuring the immutable eternity or the self-destruction. It represents also the final point of the manifestation.
-In China, the 8 expresses the totality of the universe.
-Number of the balance and of the cosmic order, according to the Egyptians.
-Number expressing the matter, it is also the symbol of the incarnation in the matter which becomes itself creative and autonomous, governing its own laws.
-The number eight corresponds to the New Testament, according to Ambroise.
-It is the symbol of the new Life, the final Resurrection and the anticipated Resurrection that is the baptism.
-According to Clement of Alexandria, the Christ places under the sign of 8 the one he made to be born again.
-Represent the totality and the coherence of the creation in evolution. In China, it expresses the totality of the universe.
-Represent the earth, not in its surface but in its volume, since 8 is the first cubic number.
-The Pythagoreans have made the number 8 the symbol of the love and the friendship, the prudence and the thinking and they have called it the Great "Tetrachtys".
-In Babylon, in Egypt and in Arabia, it was the number of the duplication devoted to the sun, from where the solar disc is decorated of a cross with eight arms.
-The number 8 means the multiplicity, for the Japanese.
-A favorable number, associated to the prosperity.
-It is the number of the restful day, after the 7th day of the creation.
(cited from
Most of these statements have a very close related to Christ.So many couples choose to marry to each other today which is a promise to each other under the blessing of Christ.
Lastly a dry humour or cold joke of today's topic~
EIGHT IS NOT EGG(anyway it's just a pun)haha
Sunday, August 8, 2010
๘Everything Eight๘
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 8:43 AM
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