Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Today not really, not really, not really, what? I think of you today during work accidentally? no, just don't know why it would be and i keep don't know why i become stupified? My friends at work ask me why i look so tired today, not that active as usual, beside from the work load that huge, i'm just not in working mood today. Why i will suddenly think of you? During welding section, i hold the metal that requires welding with hands and plug in the earth, suddenly a spark comes out, at that very moment, my hand feel paralysed, luckily its not so high volt, only 3-4 volt but at that very moment my suddenly cross through your image, haha,funny thing as i don't even know why? do something wrong with me? do i looked so desperate? well, all it ends, i keep working hard to forget the feelings that come through and suppress all  possible thoughts.

Time to sleep~haha =)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Man in the street~

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Questioner (Limit In Hunger)

Why you looked sad? Why you looked unhappy? Why you so emotional? Do you ever know how you feel this way? Do you ever know why it ended this way? Do you ever know when it happened this way? Do you even know what you going through this way? When you sad? It is when you hurt by someone Why you will sad when you hurt by that someone? It is becoz' he/she is the person that you love the most~ Why you love him/her the most? It is becoz' he/she made you happy than anyone else. I would have to say "The beginning of happy is the sad at the end~" No one reached this level unless the person experienced what had to be experienced the most~ LIFE. Life is full of...... Questions - are the most perplex things~ Time - is the most rapid swift~ Feelings - are the most exploration senses~ Soul- is the most spiritual trade mark~ Choices - are the most difficult travel landscape~ Situation- is the most basic searcher~ Answers - are the most ultimate tools~ Life is full of questions lingering in your mind, as time passed without notable wait for no man, struck with feelings that make things miserable, until soul is not complete with number of fractions, whenever choices chosen as main targets, there goes situation that will become obstacles, as answers is forever to be found till only the right one~ So, You are one in a million, and a million in one You~ Lim Ing Hung Twinkle twinkle little star, how i what where you are~GOODNITE

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Epiphany (feeling)

Whatsup?, i finally got scars on hand, for after several hours of grinding,tell you its do really sucks when you don't know anything nor any skills from your book applied to it,you know nothing at all. Very tiring day, well, not to mention about typical humanoid functioning for the day, but also eager to rest for a while. I just not complained about it since it was my choosen path, even it is well-trodden way or isolated.If only i realized mechanical is such many works load,i would have choose other courses, probably will erm.....or maybe not, maybe i will just make the right decision with the right person, right time and right place. Done~ i saw a video just now, only i able to see it earlier i won't have come myself into a bad conclusion. As this may become the other way round, more or less a better one to be walk along with. Ya,this video is a production of JinnyboyTV, a fascinating Malaysian video work from a bunch of guys, they are quite famous now with lots of fans, do support and subscribe to them. "Malaysia Boleh", haha~ An epiphany is a sudden and impact discoveries or realization. Basically, the term is refer to breakthrough of scientific, religious or philosophical discoveries, but it can also be used in the situation which an illuminating realization allows a problem or situation to be understood from a fresh and deeper boundaries.In Christianity, the Epiphany describes as a realization that Christ is the son of God. Maybe i should have this kind of feeling now whereas there are lots of things and problems need to be thought for these days. Well, do you have epiphany now? Okie donkey, let's end this section with one quote: "Live better, Do good, Piss bad, and Yell sucks~ Please do STAY ALIVE" Weehaa~ stay tune in......

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


为何说见习(industrial traning)叫英特屎!因为英勇地去做特别吃屎的工!我今天是第二天的见习生涯,非常累人,第一天就叫我到site去装热水电箱(hot water circulation pump circuit box),抬东西,今天还没做完又叫我去grinding,哇塞~我只是见习生而已,不是正式的员工,还好不是要不然我早都不存在了。我是无所谓啦,有学到东西也很开心,不过也要等我做完一样先再来另一样吧。我的supervisor本来只有一位,现在变成三位,一位电子学,一位机械操控学,一位零件配备,几多下的,哈哈~不过老实说真的很累,我几乎都是在要求别人教我,因为根本什么都不懂,不过学了,又忘记,我真的很笨,希望接下来会认真点赶上~
happy song for ending~

Monday, November 5, 2012


很久没用华文写文章了,那讲什么呢?哪,今天我就讲男人。哇,夸张~是不是?男人哎,哈哈。今天就来讲些幼稚的话题,对,幼稚,男人就是。你觉得男人为什么有时很有风度,很“man”,有时很浪漫,有时却很幼稚。那是因为男人常常搞不清楚是谁~男人是谁?我觉得我们男人常没理性的,每次会因为一些小事情,都会感性大过理性,常做一些违反常态的行为。常为了面子就是爱逞强,常耍嘴皮子,比如说:想说又不说,想哭又不哭,虽然耍酷时还是会耍啦,但有些事情就是不敢,面子,只是面子问题啦。男人坏,那不是因为坏,而是为了想保护某些东西不受伤害,骗你的啦,哪有,但都是满口谎言说没有喜欢啊。到底是有还是没有?男人就是犯贱,追不到又死不要脸的去追,等追到了又没感觉,没感觉的等到别人离开了又想挽留对方,却失去了。。。后才知后悔。说到这里还是没有所重点,来咯,顶级提拉米苏还是平淡奶油包芙?提拉米苏(Tiramisu)作为意大利的代表,将Espresso的苦、蛋与糖的润、甜酒的醇、巧克力的馥郁、手指饼干的绵密、乳酪和鲜奶油的稠香、可可粉的干爽,揉合在一起配制而成的~是不是觉得很绚丽,错综复杂的味道,甜而带苦。顶级就是海派,男人有势、权、财、力,出手阔卓大方,不能不承认很帅,小时就以为那些人都是凯子,都在花父母的钱,其实不然,他们都是有才华的,为了某些人,他们会献出真心。我想说就是有人会欺骗,有时也是用真心啦,我又开始语无伦次了,哈哈,语言富于激情,不是啦,我是想说不要只看外表,要看内涵。奶油包芙(Buttermilk bun),以麵包混合奶油及鲜奶油作為餡料,再將椰丝或糖粉类灑在表面,虽然平淡却很特别,像华尔兹舞,舞步简单,却很华丽动人。常为平淡的生活,带来踏实的感觉,不过吃久了会腻,但久了吃又特别回味。我又在说什么啊?反正就是顶级也好,平淡也罢,不管你的选择是什么,只要活得开心,做自己就好了~