Recently i found out that Optical illusion is quite interesting stuff which will stimulate nerve and mind to think sort out of the pictures.Optical illusion is also known as visual illusion that differ from the real objective of the image project.Sometime our eye do deceive us from seeing what is true or real in front of us.Optical illusion can be categorized into brightness, tilt, color, movement types.Optical illusions were first used by the Greeks as a concept to build the temple slantly so that it look like stading straight(History of Optical illusion)Many artists have worked with optical illusions such as M. C. Escher, Bridget Riley, Salvador Dalí, Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Marcel Duchamp, Oscar Reutersvärd, Victor Vasarely and Charles Allan Gilbert(Wikipedia).Here are samples which i like:
Which line A and B is connected to C? Ans:Actually they both connected to C. Is the dot in the middle same size? Ans: Both are same size.
Do the line straight or curve?Put something straight near it.
What you see in the two pictures below?
See the dot in middle for a minute,the pink dot around will skip a beat and disappear
Follow steps below in this two pictures,miracle will appear~
Do you see Jesus and Obama=)
Didn't see anything in the below picture?? Walk several steps behind~ Think you are smart??Test yourself.
Halo,you miss the double "the".
Calculate the black dot. Can you calculate only the black one?
Finally, See anything...try look even more closer...still haven't see anything this"Got ya,it is just a joke",haha~
Hope you enjoy it~you can see even more optical illusion pictures in Eyetricks ; Constructions ; Celebrities ; Cooloptical ; and Abcarcade
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Optical Illusion(Do i see triple L or what??)
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 10:20 AM 3 comments
Sunday, September 26, 2010
今天在教堂,又听到了耳熟能详的一翻话,或许可以说是一段非常富有意义及极大感恩的经文~“神爱世人,甚至将祂的独生子〔耶稣〕赐给他们,叫一切信祂的,不至灭亡,反得永生”(圣经约翰福音第三章16节)。这句不但扶持着所有基督徒,也给予莫大的恩赐。神是否存在?许多人都处于这问题当中,我想基督徒也是吧,就连我也曾怀疑过。记得有一次在一个兵营会里,有个类似祷告分享会,我那时脑袋里不知怎么萌起了这样的问题,神是否存在,我所信的是真的吗。祷告会要接近尾声,就一起祷告;这时有位弟兄就问我,说我看似一个非常热心的基督徒。这时我想了想,说我也曾怀疑上帝过,我并不是一个真的基督徒。弟兄看似傻了,停顿了下说~那好,就一起祷告,这时有几个人留下围绕着一起祷告,念着念着,我眼泪流了下来,也有几个朋友也哭了~不管你相不相信,他是真的,是见不到也摸不着,就是真实,what we call it real and truth~你可以怀疑,但不能否认他的存在~因我们能生活在这世上,能呼吸空气,全然是因有主的存在。你相信了吗?你是否还怀疑自己所信?我在这有两部剪影要分享给大家:一,是我喜欢的歌手藍又時的見證分享;二,是我喜欢的电影曲-梅尔吉伯孙的“Passion”电影的Above All~
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 10:26 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 24, 2010
Umpama Mimpi dalam Mimpi
Mimpi benak hati~
Saya umpama seekor burung yang tidak dapat terbang~
Jika saya seekor burung,saya ingin terbang tinggi~
Kalaulah saya seekor burung,saya ingin terbang ke langit yang tiada batasan~
Ke langit yang dibintangi bintang-bintang pada waktu malam~
Ke langit yang berawanan keputihan pada waktu siang~
Bersemai dalam sinaran matahari ini awa~
Melepaskan segala fikiran sebab-sebab~
Hanya melihat suasana yang indah dengan masa berlalu~
Menuai keindahan kenangan~
Kadang kala jika perlu terbang balik ke sarang~
Seolah-olah tindakan yang megah~
Tanpa penjagaan ibu bapa~
Bukan untuk menjadi yang hebat~
Tapi ingin mengolah takdir sendiri~
Kobaran hati tertanam~
Izinkan saya serlah bakatku~
(* Akhir huruf dalam setiap akhiran perkataan membawa maksud tersirat)
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 10:01 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 3:46 AM 2 comments
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Top list favourite snacks
I like eating junk food recently, especially snack pack; what we call “keropok” in Malaysia~ Whereby you can eat while watching tv, seeing people fight, haha~ anyway today I’m gonna reveal to my friends what three types of junk food I most like to eat in Malaysia:
First is Chachos, really huge choice I recommend to you, it’s really a delicious, not to say luxurious, but indeed a delirious joy to have such a snack. It got many flavor like cheesy, BBQ and hot and spicy. I like the BBQ flavor the most. Its price is quite reasonable like RM2.30-2.90 per packet. It is a triangular shape tortilla chip snacks and it is flour based I think. Chachos is a food product made from "masa corn flour imported from USA" and a registered trademark in Malaysia and Singapore. Second is Twisties, quite a lot of people in Malaysia would have eating twisties which is a common type of snack in my country. It is really a good choice for those who can’t manage to buy expensive snack pack like me, haha. Its price is quite reasonable like RM1.50-1.90 per packet. It comes in many flavors too such as original, cheese, hot and spicy, chicken and etc. I like cheese the most. What flavor you prefer?? It’s smell fragrance and really tastes delicious. Its crunchy too, but I think chachos is more,sorry to mention that. Well, back to it, Twisties is a snack food product that you can found in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritius, Papua New Guinea and Fiji, among others. The brand name is owned by The Smith's Snackfood Company. It is like zig-zag cylindrical shaped corn and rice mixed strips. Twisties got a slogan which I think is practical; "Life's pretty straight without... Twisties", indeed, hahaXD
Third is Mr Potato. Mr. Potato Crisps are manufactured in Malaysia and is a bestseller in over 70 countries (stated in official website). It consists of several flavors Original, Barbeque, Hot & Spicy, Sour Cream & Onion and Cheese. I like them all, haha. However, I am not putting it in first place because I think it’s not my 1st choice and neither is my 2nd. Its price is like RM2.20-2.60 per packet. It looks like a round or oval shaped chips and tastes good also. Chas. E. Ramson Ltd. is the manufacturer in Malaysia.
*Note that:The prices listed are not very precise as in the market.
After the reveal list of my top three favourites, what are yours??Feel free to leave a comment of your heart choice. Till then tune in to my world, where the music is all around in fun and joy~
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 10:48 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 16, 2010
词、曲: 刘永锡Yoo Young Suk (Hangul: 유영석)
职业: 南韩的歌手、钢琴手兼制作人(蓝色天空团)
*经典句: 无论怎样的努力也学不会的方法~什么呢??那就是。。。沉浸在爱情无法逃脱要用的方法~刘永锡
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 5:55 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
When DoTA come to live~
This is how when DoTA come alive when u addictive to it~ When you addictive to Dota,you would be using "exclusive" word to describe the real life~ It's gonna be first blood if you still haven play this game.This is because you have not knowing how to play.When you start learning as beginner,you may have killing spree,dominating and mega kill if you are lucky. Turning yourself to wicked sick after hundreds of games.Monster kill will be your best shot.GODLIKE and beyond GODLIKE is when you started to turn pro and play professionally as Dota master.Building up items,farming and professional skills enhanced your killing rates.First Blood,Double Kill,Triple Kill,Ultra Kill and Rampage are the best exciting sound ever you hear in DOTA if you are a Dota addict game master~Holy shit~i forgot!!
Don't find me,because im nOOB!!!!haha~
Chibi Hero fight~Hey watch out for the coming invulnerable~
Outcome of spawn pawn yawn~perfectly satisfactory for Dota LOver=)
To download it-please click DOTA
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 6:32 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 10, 2010
S E O H Y U N (서현)
Birth Name: Seo Joo-hyun(Hangul: 서주현; Hanja: 徐珠賢)
Nicknames: Maknae (the youngest one), Seororo, Hyun
DOB: June 28, 1991
Bloodtype: A
Height: 168cm
Position: Lead Vocalist
Language: Korean (Fluent), English, Chinese (Fluent), Japanese (Basic)
Specialty: Piano
Casted: 2003 SM Casting System
Training: 6 Years 6 Month
School: Daeyeong High School (대영고등학교) | Dongguk University
Career: Member of Korean girl group Girls' Generation(SNSD)
Seo Joo-hyun is a same birthday and bloodtype with me. That's quite a coincidence,i found out i more and more like her which I had become her fan,not exactly no.1,but won't lose than no.2 fan~hahaXD She is a talented girl,not to say she is pretty and awesome too. She is excel in all types of field in entertainment such as:singing,acting and modeling~She featured in one of the popular TV show;MBC's reality-variety show "We Got Married" partnered with singer Jung Yong Hwa,the leader of the indie Korean rock band C.N.Blue. I am very envy with that guy,even though i know he is handsome. Seo Joo-hyun~support her,keep up and don't give up~i love you♪♪♪☺
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 8:18 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Wonder if it's true~
I wonder if the rain falling all night,why lately sky always pour down the rain,do it mean it know some feeling which had made it,haha,all i know is i still blur,even near,not much tear,i can't bear my fear to know my dear friend outside the country are well~it's been so long. Even full of dripping rain sound,the night still fall in silent for me~ Whether whatever we choose,we don't know whether we have chosen the right option,but one thing we know,we know that that's our choice and decision,even if it turns out as a bad path,we still have to continue our journey~I hope my friends out there can be strong and have the strength to conquer all obstacles and weakness~Hope we can meet again in future and soon,Peace be upon you all~may every sense of my pray and bless be with you~may you strive in the way like a commander~haha.Looks like the rain is getting bigger and bigger now. Maybe it sense my feeling,haha,anyway,Wish you healthy and wealthy.
Stay tune again to my world next time~
Night fall with thousands starry star,rain drop in thousands metres far,friends come in thousands car,fill the heart with thousands sweet candy bar~Goodnight~♫
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 10:14 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
There are many things that we feel sometime~
Sometime you feel happy,but you are not well~
Sometime you feel sad,but you are thinking past sweet memories~
Sometime you feel anger,but you are just caring~
Sometime you feel tired,but you are happy and enjoy~
Sometime you feel like smile,but you just cannot make it~
Sometime you feel like cry,but you just cannot make it~
Sometime you feel like speak,but you just cannot make it~
Sometime you feel like hate,but you just cannot make it~
Sometime you feel want stand up,but you don't have the power~
Sometime you feel want help,but you don't have the strength~
Sometime you feel want believe,but you don't have the will~
Sometime you feel want chase,but you don't have the brave~
Sometime you feel your parents,but you still not obey them~
Sometime you feel your friends,but you still not trust them~
Sometime you feel your love,but you still doubt the feeling~
There is a time i do fall in love with you,but sometime something somewhere do had changed,you may have given up,but actually you can't or mayb you can~just sometime you feel you actually already admit that you love~
Sometime love is invicible,sometime love is clear,sometime love is pure~
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 9:49 AM 4 comments
Saturday, September 4, 2010
When rain come to the earth~(English version)
I'm keep on waiting, wait for the day where there is a people who will care for you to appear in sight, because i cannot give you the best~
I'm come from family background is not wealthy, my study is not excel, my face is not outstanding, my character is not noble~
That’s why i keep on running away, running away from realistic, running away from truth, but still cannot run away~
That’s why I try not to talk to you, try not to care for you, even try to avoid you, but still cannot make it~
Know there is no way owning you, no way to have strength to protect you, no way to have the will to take care of you~
Know that it is impossible, it is dream, it is stupidity~
But still into it, still stepping into a deep chasm where there is no way out~
But still cannot let go, still facing the unreleased self~
No one will understand~
No one will be my listener~
Can see you a sight will make me happy~
Can keep you in touch will make me insomnia~
Unrevealed pain~
Unrevealed love~
I know that the person had appeared~
I know I should let go~
Love that parting is hurt~
Love to see you alive~
You know it??
You see it??
Only thing that didn't change is the only Eric Lim Ing Hung~(*every sentence first word)
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 10:41 AM 6 comments
Posted by Eric Lim Ing Hung at 9:01 AM 0 comments